• 19 Feb ’11

Success! 12.5% Increase in traffic from direct referrals.

Success! 12.5% Increase in traffic from direct referrals.

150 150 rob@rminkdesign.com

Our research proved that radio was the next best step or our client’s new brand ReviewSource.ca. We implemented 6 month buy at a great rate, due to our sponsorship with Hot 89.9’s Office Hotty Promotion, and a reach plan with advertisements to compliment and help brand recognition.

Hot 89.9 was a great choice due to their reach and impressions. Since ReviewSource.ca had yet to determine their target audience, Hot89.9’s broad target audience was a perfect fit.

ReviewSource.ca gained 12.5% increase in direct referral traffic from Hot 89.9 contest page.

WIthin an amazing 45 days of sponsorship and 30 days of advertisements, ReviewSource.ca gained 12.5% in direct referral from Hot 89.9 contest page, and a share in the search engine traffic increase as well since the traffic numbers prior to the campaign start.

We are extremely happy with such fantastic results in such a short time, and wish ReviewSource.ca the greatest success in the future. ReviewSource.ca was also a finalist for Best Website at the 2011 Bootstrap Awards. Congratulations ReviewSource.ca and web builder Transit Networks for the nomination!

We here at RM.ink Branding & Design are also celebrating our success with this campaign, and we are excited for future results. Find out what we can do for your brand: rob@rminkdesign.com

Click here learn more about ReviewSource.ca, Canada’s review site.