• 10 Mar ’11

Earth’s Brand: A Brand of Epic Proportions

Earth’s Brand: A Brand of Epic Proportions

442 494 rob@rminkdesign.com

Since 1974 Earth has sent multiple messages to interstellar space, hoping for a reply. It’s part of NASA’s SETI Extraterrestrial Program to open chat lines with aliens.

Of the messages in the past 4 years, we have been improving on what we are trying to say, in hopes getting a worth while reply. We typically send a mathematical message with an automatic decoder. In 1999 we sent it missing a factor of 10 — nice job, aliens are going to think we are idiots. Maybe we are?

Mathematical messages were the best route, as it was the best way to showcase who we are and what we are about, and that math is universal. The message is sent in binary code of ones and zeros that creates our 2 dimensional brand. We have yet to get a reply, and don’t lose sleep over it either. It takes 25000 years for our message just to reach the closest planet that *may* have life on it and another 25000 years for a reply. Sigh.

The mathematical message once decoded displays a picture that shows a makeup of objects that creates Earth’s brand.

So, Earth’s brand. There it is in all its glory. It shares information from the original 1974 transmission, such as population of Earth, human DNA information, our average height, solar system information, and measurements.

SETI has been revising the message a couple of times, to optimize it just as a brand on earth would do to reach their audience better. This Earth brand behaves just like a regular brand.

Earth’s Brand:
Lets explore the key elements of a brand, and apply them to the Earth brand to see how it holds up.

Brand Position: Well our product is Earth, and our positioning is to peacfully connect with other lifeforms in an informative and transparent matter.

Brand Promise: That we are a peaceful planet with millions of species of life with the human species delivering the message, and that we want to communicate.

Brand personality: We are safe if you are safe, informative, transparent and scientific (the signal and data makes us look more scientific)

Brand Story: We have been here for 10000 years, planet is much older than we. Our human DNA string  shows we are willing to divulge our makeup to learn more about you. We are curious beings, and our planet is filled with life.

Brand Association: Logo is what you see above. It sacrifices design elements for truth, and is more informative than wonder.
Ou brand is intergalactic. As our international brands build an image that is translatable to other cultures, our Earth brand accommodates other civilizations versus vice versa.

Summary: You want your brand association to contain all of the above listed traits when you are all said and done. It’s pretty close from strength perspective, and it has enough to go on. I would love to get involved to showcase to ETs more important information about the Earth’s brand. What about love? Suffering? Pollution? To be completely transparent, one would let that out in the open. A brand should reflect not just the inherent drama, but the truth too.
Thanks for taking the time to learn more about Earth’s brand!

Rob McPherson